Whenever you lose a loved one it is never the right time or right way. It is a terrible, sensitive time. There are circumstances, though, due to negligence, wrongful acts, or default, in which our loved ones passed. In the legal world, we call that wrongful death.
Wrongful death is when a loved one passed due to some negligence or wrongful act of another party. For example, not too long ago in our city of Encino, a baby was mauled by a dog while in a home and did not survive the injuries. This has the potential to be a wrongful death case. Let’s add some facts to clarify:
- Scenario: You have a baby and are called to work for an emergency. You can’t bring your child, so instead, you go to the neighbor who you know very well. You ask them to watch your child. You ask that your neighbor keep the dogs outside because babies and dogs just don’t get along. The neighbor agrees, but when you leave allow the dogs back into the house. The neighbor leaves the room to get food for the baby only to run back into the room after she hears growling and screaming. Two days after the incident, the news arrives that the baby did not make it.
As horrific as this scenario sounds it is not as far-fetched as we know from the real-life child who died. Wrongful death is a suit you can file in addition to or in absence of criminal suits. This is important to note because if you are filing a criminal suit and it does not go your way, you do have options to sue via a wrongful death action.
Let Our Wrongful Death Attorney Right the Wrong
Our California wrongful death attorneys at Licata & Yeremenko, A Professional Law Corporation are very educated, equipped, and ready to fight in honor of the death of your loved one. By starting this claim, you are acting as a representative for the one you lost. You are entitled to compensation for any future earnings of your lost loved one, funeral expenses, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and loss of companionship and care.
Typically a surviving spouse, child, or parents are the ones who put forth a wrongful death claim. Because they are the most immediate relation to the loved one, the courts assume that they suffer the most loss. This is why you need an attorney: If you are an uncle, aunt, cousin, grandparent, or some other relation, it is harder for the courts to believe that you suffered pain and loss. Our wrongful death attorneys know that this is simply NOT true. We understand that relationships come in all shapes and sizes. We understand that the intimacy between two people varies in family relationships and friendships. Let our attorneys help you right the wrongful death. Give us a call at 818-783-5757 or click here to start a conversation. Let us use our expertise to help you.