It can be hard to move on after losing someone we love, especially if his or her death was caused by someone else’s negligent behavior. It is a difficult scenario to cope with, regardless of circumstance. It is natural to feel grief after losing a family member very dear and close to you. Although everybody has unique grief reactions and copes differently, the mourning process after the sudden death may take a while for most grieving families. Cases involving a sudden death generally require the legal intervention of an experienced wrongful death lawyer in California.
Grief reactions. Not everyone will experience the same feelings and reactions to a specific loss. Some of the most common reactions to death and grieving include:
- Denial
- Guilt and anger
- Sleeping and eating disorders
- Social withdrawal
- Lack of energy
Survivors can also experience many other symptoms triggered by thoughts of their loss. For instance, when celebrating and special occasion, listening to music, or driving places that bring up strong feelings of grief.
Dealing With A Sudden Death
- Facing the loss: This is the first and most difficult step to take but it is crucial to the grieving process. The longer you wait to admit that someone you care about is gone, the more painful your journey will be. Survivors must accept their loss and work through painful feelings.
- Seek counseling and the advice of a California wrongful death attorney: A therapist is always helpful as well as an attorney with experience in these types of cases. You need to pursue legal compensation for all your losses and hold guilty parties responsible for their actions. Find a professional therapist in your area specializing in mental and emotional support who can help you address your specific needs.
- Local support groups: These are also very helpful. Most communities have support groups for grieving families. It helps to share your grief with other families in similar circumstances.
Who Is Eligible To Bring A Wrongful Death Suit?
- Surviving spouse or children
- Putative spouse
- A minor or dependent that has legally resided in the decedent’s home for at least 180 days
- The decedent’s representative on behalf of the survivors.
Statute Of Limitations
It all depends on the type of defendant in the case. Suing parties have 2 years from the date of the sudden death to bring a suit. If the sudden death was caused by medical malpractice, suing parties have up to three years from the date of the injury or one year after the injury was discovered. If a public entity is responsible for the sudden death, the party must file the claim 6 months after the injury causing the wrongful death.
Compensation for California Wrongful Death Cases
Contact our California wrongful death attorneys to discuss your wrongful death concerns. We provide honest answers to clients in California and nearby cities. Learn more about your rights by calling us today and scheduling your initial case evaluation.