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An Early Discharge Killed Her Child

On Behalf of | Jul 28, 2018 | Medical Malpractice

When Lindsey Setzer sought treatment for kidney stones and a urinary tract infection at a St. Louis hospital, she didn’t expect that she would lose her baby. She was 14 weeks pregnant, but the doctor discharged her early. She had a history of kidney stones, and an ultrasound revealed she had several. Despite that, and a heart rate above 140 beats per minute, she was sent home. She then woke up with a fever and was rushed to another hospital. Setzer beat her infection, but her baby didn’t make it. She eventually settled for an undisclosed amount with the doctor and a jury awarded her $1.36 million in a separate lawsuit against the hospital.

We certainly don’t expect medical professionals to make our injury or illness worse. Unfortunately, sometimes that happens.

If you need a medical malpractice attorney, you can count on the experienced attorneys at Licata & Yeremenko, A Professional Law Corporation. We will patiently work to ensure you are treated fairly.

When We Are Hurt

When we go to the doctor’s office or the hospital, we do so because someone needs treatment. Whether it is us or a loved one, we just want to feel better. We want you to think about all the places your encounter medical professionals:

  • Doctor’s office
  • Hospitals
  • Dentist
  • Optometrist
  • Outpatient medical centers
  • Long-term care facilities
  • “Minute clinics”
  • EMS professionals

These are just a few of the places where we may find ourselves face to face with a medical professional. Have you thought about what happens if we are injured BY a doctor or other trained medical staff?


Medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States. If that doesn’t concern you, it should. It means that, too often, the people we trust to heal us are careless. No, most errors that medical professionals make are not intentional, but they can cause serious harm or even death.

If a hospital is overcrowded and discharges a patient earlier than it should, it could be causing more problems for the patient. If a patient is uninsured and not given the same level of treatment as an insured patient is, the negligence of the medical professionals could be life-changing.

If a surgeon is overworked and makes a mistake on the operating table, who is at fault? If an EMS professional doesn’t perform a full assessment towards the end of a 24-hour shift, they could miss a major medical emergency a patient is experiencing.

There are so many ways that medical professionals can make errors. While most of the time they do not, when they do, they should be held accountable.

What To Do

If you’ve been injured or gotten ill and you believe it was caused by a medical professional’s mistake, then you need to secure a medical malpractice lawyer. You can reach out to us on our website by clicking here or calling us at 818-783-5757. Licata & Yeremenko, A Professional Law Corporation will patiently work with you to help you figure out your next steps. We want to help you recover compensation for your injuries so you can get your life back on track while not having to worry about how to support yourself or your family.
