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Workplace discrimination: 4 key signs to watch for

On Behalf of | Sep 25, 2024 | Firm News

Discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that many employees face. It involves unfair treatment based on various protected characteristics. Understanding the signs can help you act and protect your rights. Here are four signs you might be experiencing discrimination at work.

Unfair treatment based on protected characteristics

If your employer treats you differently than your colleagues, it might be a sign of discrimination. This unfair treatment can be due to your:

  • Race
  • Religion
  • Sex
  • National origin
  • Disability
  • Age

For example, if your employer consistently gives you less favorable tasks it could be due to one of these characteristics. The EEOC enforces laws that protect employees from such discrimination.

Harassment in the workplace

Harassment is another clear sign of discrimination. This includes offensive comments or any behavior that creates a hostile work environment. Harassment can come from managers, co-workers, or even clients. If you feel uncomfortable or threatened report the behavior to your HR department or a trusted supervisor.

Denial of reasonable accommodations

Employers must provide reasonable accommodations for employees according to the law. If your employer denies your requests for accommodations without valid reasons, it might be a sign of discrimination.

For example, if you need a modified work schedule for medical treatments and your employer refuses without a valid reason. Employers must make reasonable, unless doing so would create undue hardship for the business.

Retaliation for complaints

Retaliation happens when an employer takes adverse actions against you because you complained about discrimination. It can also occur if you assisted in a discrimination investigation. This can include demotions, pay cuts, job transfers, or even termination.

Retaliation is illegal and often indicates you are a victim of discrimination. If you face negative consequences after reporting discrimination, document everything and consider seeking legal advice.

Discrimination at work can manifest in many ways, from unfair treatment to harassment. Recognizing these signs is the first step towards protecting your rights. You have the right to an equal workplace.
