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Ford Recalls 1.5 Million Vehicles

On Behalf of | Nov 2, 2018 | Product Liability

We have seen a flurry of vehicle recalls over the last month. Now Ford is the latest company to issue a recall due to a fuel system problem that can cause the engines to stall without warning. The recall covers many cars from the model years 2012 through 2018 and includes those with 2-liter four-cylinder engines.

In this case, dealers will reprogram the computer in the vehicle with new software that will detect a stuck valve. They will also inspect the valve, a carbon canister, and the gas tank on all recalled vehicles.

While this recall is just a precautionary measure and nobody has yet been injured, we know that these problems can become much worse. We have seen time and time again vehicles failing while people are inside, whether it is a brake problem, issues with the accelerator, or even with the airbag.

What most people do not realize is that these vehicles are made with parts from many different companies. Any of those parts have the potential to cause problems.

Vehicles are not the only things that can malfunction and hurt consumers. Do you know what to do if something you use or consume causes you harm?

If you need a product liability lawyer in California, turn to Licata & Yeremenko, A Professional Law Corporation for help.

What Is Product Liability?

Take a quick look at the government website that tracks current recalls across the country and you will see that many millions of Americans are at risk of injury or illness.

There are three basic ways in which these cases arise and they highlight negligence on a company or manufacturer’s part:

  • Poor Design: A product is poorly designed from the beginning and that design ends up causing consumers harm. This does not necessarily mean it will happen quickly. An incident may happen many years after a product comes out.
  • Manufacturing Error: At some point in the manufacturing process, a product is altered from its original design in a way that potentially makes it dangerous for consumers.
  • Labeling Errors: Companies are responsible for listing all possible risks their products have, whether it is a hard good, a food, or a medicine. This includes allergens and side effects. This also includes proper dosages.

If you are not sure if you have a product liability case, please ask a skilled attorney to examine your case.

What You Can Do

If you or a loved one have been harmed by a product you have used or consumed, seek legal assistance immediately. We know you did not expect to get injured by something you purchased and you have any questions. At Licata & Yeremenko, A Professional Law Corporation, we will help you recover the compensation you deserve:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income if you have to miss work
  • Legal fees and court costs
  • Pain and suffering damages
  • Punitive damages

These cases can be difficult, and you need a strong legal team by your side. When you need a California product liability attorney, you can reach out to us on our website by clicking here, or calling us at 818-783-5757.
