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Medical Malpractice

What Happens When Concussion Patients Aren’t Properly Prepared for Potential Brain Health Risks?

Scientists at the University of San Francisco and the University of Southern California report that in the 4 million people who experience traumatic brain injuries like concussions, only 2 out of 5 seek out proper medical treatment within three months. They also say that those who have suffered these injuries could benefit from additional visits to their doctor. Many concussions…

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Doctors And Nurses Don’t Always Get It Right

A woman giving birth to her 4th child had planned for a natural birth. The hospital she chose to give birth was said to have all her expectations. However, when she went into labor she was completely betrayed. The negligence she experienced was traumatic on top of the trauma of having a child. For example, she was restricted from walking…

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Malpractice Is More Than Just Suing Your Doctor

Did you know that malpractice applies to professional services such as attorneys, accountants, and engineers? When people hear the term “malpractice” we tend to only think of doctors, nurses, or hospital staff. But this is far from the truth. Professional services are held to a higher standard. When we seek these services we understand that we are paying for their…

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Not All Surgeries End In Death, Some End With Constant Pain

When we enter hospitals we have this assumption that the doctor and their staff know best, and we should. Doctors have to go through such rigorous training that they do know more than most. Doctors carry the responsibility and burden of taking the best course of action for a patient. Sometimes, though, the best course of action does not always…

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I Acquired Sepsis During A Hospital Stay, How Do I Sue The Hospital For Medical Malpractice?

As much as we hate hospitals, sometimes we have no choice but to spend days, weeks, or months at the hospital to treat an injury or illness. And while we entrust our lives, health, and wellbeing to doctors and nurses, there is always a risk of encountering an inexperienced and incompetent medical professional. In fact, even if you are being…

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Need-To-Know Facts About Professional Malpractice

Malpractice is a term many people have heard of, but not everyone has an in-depth understanding of what the term means. Malpractice is a Latin-based word, literally translated as “bad practice”. However, in the legal world, malpractice suits need to meet certain criteria in order to be successful. There are two types of professional malpractice everyone should be familiar with:…

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