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Financial Elder Abuse Attorneys

As people get older, it is common for them to need help managing their day-to-day activities. Often, this includes assisting with their finances. In some cases, a friend or family member handles this type of activity. In other cases, a caregiver or a long-term care facility will handle the finances.

Unfortunately, there are bad actors who perpetrate fraud against the elderly. At Licata & Yeremenko, our team is here to help if you need a California financial elder abuse attorney.

What Does Elderly Financial Abuse Consist Of?

While elderly financial abuse may not have the same signs and symptoms as physical or emotional elder abuse, this type of abuse can still be quite detrimental. As a person ages, it is not uncommon for them to need assistance when handling their day-to-day activities, including assistance with their finances. In some cases, family members or friends step in to handle this type of assistance, particularly if there has been any type of mental or cognitive decline.

Unfortunately, this leaves an elderly person vulnerable to various types of financial abuse. In fact, it is not uncommon for us to determine that friends or family members are the ones that actually perpetrate financial abuse. However, this type of abuse can also be perpetrated by third-party in-home caregivers as well as by employees of an assisted living facility. Caregivers, whether nursing home employees, in-home staff, family members, or friends, may have significant access to an elderly person’s financial and personal information. This can lead to various types of fraud.

At Licata & Yeremenko, our elder abuse attorneys have helped clients and family members that have been the victims of various types of financial elder abuse, including the following:

  • The cashing of an elderly person’s checks without permission (pension check, disability, Social Security, etc.)
  • Forging an elderly person’s signature to gain access to financing or assets
  • Misusing or stealing an elderly person’s assets or money
  • Coercing an elderly person into signing various financial documents, including wills, a power of attorney, etc.

Elder financial abuse is much more common than most people realize. Data available from the National Council on Aging shows that elder financial abuse and fraud costs the people of this country anywhere from around $3 billion to more than $36 billion each year.

Let Licata & Yeremenko Help You

If you discover that an elderly friend or family member has been financially abused by a caretaker or assisted living facility, turned to the team at Licata & Yeremenko. We have extensive experience handling complex elder abuse cases throughout the Los Angeles County, Orange County, Ventura County, Riverside County and San Bernardino County areas. Our goal is to investigate these cases and secure any compensation our clients may be entitled to, which can include:

  • Reimbursement of any stolen assets
  • Costs to relocate to a new facility
  • Possible punitive damages against the perpetrators of the abuse
  • Pain and suffering damages

When you need a California financial elder abuse attorney, you can reach out to us on our website for a free consultation by clicking here or calling us at 818-783-5757.